Wednesday, January 19, 2011

3rd world farmer

What are the challenges faced by farmers in L.E.D.C's? The challenges faced by these farmers are that they are desperate for money and food. However, for lasting food and money, they need a long-term solution and right now they only settle for short term resources which run out very quickly. Also when they work and sell their crops, they barely make enough money for one person and they have to help a family survive. These people are challenged because they need help and they just can't get it. Or they can get help but they don't want to wait so they get a portion of what they really need.

What are the barriers to development that they face?
Well, the farmers are not very modern. They don't have many tools that help them. They work out in some of the worst weather conditions and don't even get paid a fraction of what they deserve.

In what ways are farming and poverty linked to development?

Farming and Poverty are linked to development because while you are in poverty you can't really develop and many farmers live in poverty. Farmers that live in poverty don't have the resources to develop. They don't have proper farming tools so they have to do everything by hand which takes a very long. They can't develop because they don't have the education to develop. They cannot afford an education and they simply don't have the time to go to school.

Which SLR does this link to and why?

I think that this relates to thinking creatively because, the farmers need to think of the most reasonable way to do their jobs without over working themselves too much and leaving enough food for themselves and their family but also having enough good produce to sell to earn money.

What did I learn from the resources posted on the blog?

I learned that farming and poverty are all linked and that the farmers on television could be nothing like the farmers in real life. The farmers on t.v. have big tractors and barns, and healthy animals. The farmers in real life don't have that.

How will this affect me in the future?

Well, this could effect me because if the farmer doesn't have enough food and water to support himself and his or her family, that could lead to illness and possibly death. This could mean that there would be no produce for me to buy so that I could feed my family because all work on the field would have stopped. This could result in, as I said before a lack of food which could lead to a reduced supply of food for me and family so we would have less food which might not provide us with the correct amount of nutrients we need to live a healthy life.


Anonymous said...

sorry its late
I managed to grant admin privileges so i didn't need to start over.