Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beating The System.

The holocaust was the genocide of approximately six million European Jews. A genocide is the deliberate destruction of an ethnic or racial group. In 1933 when Adolf Hitler came into power, the Holocaust began. The Jews were targeted because they were blamed for the current situation that Germany was in. After world war one, Germany began to struggle. The Germans were in a great depression. At the time, Adolf Hitler seemed like he could give Germany a promising future. Little did the Germans know that this would lead to the deaths of their friends, their neighbors. Hitler began blaming the Jews for what happened to the Germans.Even though many people tried to help the Jews, I believe that the most notable was Oskar Schindler.
During the winter break, I watched a movie titled Schindler's List. It was about the life of Schindler and how he used his business in order to save the Jews. Oskar Schindler owned factories around Europe. These factories manufactured enamelware and ammunition for the Nazis. Schindler saved the lives of these Jews by claiming that he needed people to work in his factories and that most 'normal' Germans already had jobs. He claimed that he needed children so that their fingers could fit in the shell casings in order to polish them. He claimed he needed women to clean, men to assemble. He found a use for every kind of Jew at his factory.
Oskar Schindler believed that every person had a purpose and that no one should be harmed for no reason. Schindler fought for what he believed in resulting in the safety of many people. I took a special liking to Oskar Schindler because he is like me in a way. I strongly believe that every human being has a purpose in this earth and that they deserve to be protected and happy and healthy and they should not have to fear for their lives because of their religions or beliefs. I admire the way Schindler fought for what he believed in so subtly without causing a bunch of drama. I also admire how he took in anyone who he thought could do work and how he found work for all kinds of people to do.

Another thing I admired about Oskar Schindler was how accepting he was. Not just of the Jews but of their customs and the way they chose to live their lives. Schindler believed that everyone deserved to be who they wanted to be and that they should never be punished for that and I agree with that. I also love how Schindler's wife, Emilie Pelzl stood by him throughout the entire war and supported him even though it put them both in great danger. That showed that she believed in her husband and she believed in what he believed in. I believe that one of the major contributors towards Schindler's actions was the fact that he didn't care about religion. He didn't think greatly of it and that is why he was so accepting of the Jews.

Schindler once said 'I will do everything in my power to defeat the system' and I believe that he did do everything in his power to defeat the system. He also said ' If you saw a dog that was about to be rung over, wouldn't you help it?'. Not only did Schindler beat the system, but he saved many 'dogs' from being run over. Oskar Schindler is one of the most inspiring people that has ever lived because he managed to do something so significant no matter the consequences. Compared to his achievements and his courage, it makes us look like wimps. If one man can put his life on the line for thousands of people he probably doesn't even know, then why can't we take more risks? Why don't we challenge the system? Why are we so afraid of standing up for what we believe in? Why do we always fear the consequences without even bothering to try?