Monday, September 26, 2011

Disguises: Found Poem

Is it wrong to believe in what you say?

Is it wrong to challenge society?
Is it clever to disguise our opinions?
Is it tragically uncool to speak your mind?
Is it wrong to have determination?
Is it wrong to be uncertain?
Why is it that we never question authority?
Why do we fear speaking with a declarative tone?
Why have our lives been infected with the evil ways of this aggressively inarticulate generation?

No it is not wrong to believe in yourself and what you say,
It is not wrong to challenge society,
we are just to afraid to do it.
We are always afraid of what people will think of us that we loose our selves to the society
We always let others lead our lives for us without even knowing it
it is time for the people to speak their minds without being scared of what people will think.

My poem represents a dystopia because it symbolizes that people are afraid to voice their opinions and they are afraid to challenge society. The reason i chose to format my poem like this was because the questions I asked in my poem are actually always running through my mind and I think I finally understand why people do the things they do. It is because they are afraid of what the society around them will think. This is a dystopia because the people live in fear of the society.