Monday, September 26, 2011

Disguises: Found Poem

Is it wrong to believe in what you say?

Is it wrong to challenge society?
Is it clever to disguise our opinions?
Is it tragically uncool to speak your mind?
Is it wrong to have determination?
Is it wrong to be uncertain?
Why is it that we never question authority?
Why do we fear speaking with a declarative tone?
Why have our lives been infected with the evil ways of this aggressively inarticulate generation?

No it is not wrong to believe in yourself and what you say,
It is not wrong to challenge society,
we are just to afraid to do it.
We are always afraid of what people will think of us that we loose our selves to the society
We always let others lead our lives for us without even knowing it
it is time for the people to speak their minds without being scared of what people will think.

My poem represents a dystopia because it symbolizes that people are afraid to voice their opinions and they are afraid to challenge society. The reason i chose to format my poem like this was because the questions I asked in my poem are actually always running through my mind and I think I finally understand why people do the things they do. It is because they are afraid of what the society around them will think. This is a dystopia because the people live in fear of the society.

Monday, September 5, 2011

People Who Fought For What They Believed In.

All around the world today, people are fighting. They are fighting for what they believe in. Usually people fighting or what they believe in is very iconic however their are some people who take their fight to far. To me everyone has something different to fight for. Some people fight for independence and peace while others fight for equality and perfection. Some people spend their entire lives fighting for what they believe in, some even die trying. Fighting for your beliefs is important however some peoples belief lead great consequences.
Adolf Hitler believed that the perfect world was possible. He fought what he believed in which sadly led to the deaths of millions of people all over Europe. In Hitler's eyes the perfect world consisted of blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned and mostly Christian people. This was the reason for so many deaths in Europe. Hitler thought the only way to make the perfect world was to exterminate all of the imperfect people in Europe starting with Germany and Austria. The reason for his actions was because Germany was in a downward spiral and the Germans believed that Hitler could help them out of it so they voted for him in all the parties and once he started the Nazi organization, the votes for the Nazi's were much higher than that for any other political party. As the Nazi's rose to power, the Jewish population was slowly dropping. Using all sorts of propaganda, the Nazi's managed to turn most of the non Jewish German population against the Jews blaming them for the country's problems. This was when he began to make his hopes of a perfect world become a reality. His first victims were the Jewish of Germany. He then began to conquer the rest of Europe firstly eliminating the Jewish then turning to the more imperfect people of his territories. I don't believe that Hitler was fighting for a good cause because humans will never be perfect, it's part of what makes us human and the fact that he had to dehumanize these people and murder them just because they were different was proof of that. Hitler later killed himself for the crimes he committed and even though he took his own life it will never make up for the millions of lives he destroyed.
Many people die trying to fight for what they believe in. Martin Luther King Jr. is a great example. He fought for the civil rights of African-Americans most of his life. He even won the Nobel Prize for his efforts and had all the money donated to the civil rights organization. King believed that it was the right thing to do to fight for equal rights for African-Americans because it was the right thing to do and the fair thing to do because everyone deserves to be treated equally and everyone should have fair rights. On April 4th 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated while standing on the balcony of his Memphis motel room preparing to lead a protest march. Unlike Hitler, Martin Luther King's belief was worth fighting for and even though the laws were passed, there is still room for improvement in equity among people around the world today and that is why what Martin Luther King Jr. was fighting for was so important. Martin Luther King Jr. died for nothing because if he lived a little longer, I am positive that his work would have reached out to millions of people all over the world.
People have all different beliefs and I believe that everyone of them is worth fighting for however some people think that the only way they can make their belief possible is by bringing harm to others cough cough Hitler however others die because of how hard they fight like Martin Luther King Jr. Millions spend their life fighting for what they believe in and everyone believes in something different and sometimes you might not understand why some body believes in something but every one deserves a chance to fight and even if they loose their battle, they know that they tried. Some people do take their fight to extremes which could be a danger to them and to the people around them but the fact that they have the courage to fight for their beliefs is iconic and more people should stand up for what they believe in because one day it could make a huge impact on the world and help millions of people.