Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hope For a New World!

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."-Albert Einstein

Equity- The act of being fair and impartial. Sameness.

In the new world, I hope for equity among the people because even today, people around the world are treated differently based on their race, gender and looks. In the new world people would be treated fairly no matter what.
My mom always tells me to treat people the way you want to be treated and in return they will treat you right. She, I am sad to say, was wrong. I see it all the time at school during the day, there are these kids who feel like they have to be mean to others because they are superior when the truth is, all humans are equal. We all want the same things and I believe that that is happiness. However being happy means different things to different people and it sometimes means that making another person feel bad makes somebody else feel great about themselves.
Dalai Lama "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."
The quote above states that you should be kind to people whenever possible and that it is always possible. So why don't people do it? Why do people feel the need to treat others differently based on biases when they don't even take the time to get to know the person. I find that people nowadays are so rapped up in their own worlds that they don't even consider the other people around them. My great grandmother was telling me that wen she was young, children were alwys so polite and kind to one another and it is completely different today because kids could not care less about the people around them.
I would wish for equity because that is what would make me happy. Evveryone wants different things and this is one of the things that I want. And I hope that one day, on this world or a new one, that it is possible.